Истории Природа Фото Человек

Этот мужчина 37 лет сажал по одному дереву в день. Только посмотрите, что у него получилось!

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С 1979 года Джадав Пайенг в одиночку создавал тропический рай. Его посадка больше, чем Центральный парк в Нью-Йорке.


В лесу площадью 550 гектаров сейчас живут 115 слонов, носорогов, оленей и тигров. Всего 37 лет назад здесь была пустыня!

Jadav Mulai Paleng The Forest Man The story of Jadav Payeng Mulai could be the one told by the French writer Jean Giono in his book The Man Who Planted Trees.In fact he has planted a tropical forest of 1500 hectares on a sandbar in the heart of the Brahmaputra River which had been devastated by floods in 1979 , when Mulai was 16 years old. Trees, houses and villages were overwhelmed and taken away by the water. Many animals, snakes in particular, died. Mulai found them lifeless on the sand banks. It was the turning point of his life. He started planting bamboo trees on behalf of the forestry division. He has never stopped, choosing to plant trees, bringing animals and insects from his village and transforming the whole area into a real forest populated by birds and deer which in turn have attracted predators such as vultures and tigers, and even elephants and rhinos, which migrate from the nearby Kaziranga park.Jadav Mulai has been repeatedly awarded accolades for his efforts.Today, the inhabitants of the villages near the forest are proud of the work that has been done but the early years were not easy for Mulai. In fact, after some elephants destroyed a village many people blamed Mulai for what had happened and he had to ask for help and protection from the forest department .Now the forest is known by the name of “Mulai Forest or Mulai Kathoni”. Jadav Payeng belongs to the ' Mising ' tribe and today lives in Kokilamukh , a village near the river Bramhaputra in the district of Jorhat , Assam. This state in North East India is where he dwells in a small hut which he shares with his wife Binita and their three children but he spends most of his time in the forest. Mulai knows each single tree and every path. He treats the forest with the affection and respect reserved for one’s offspring.Today his new goal is to recommence a second bio diverse forest in another sand bar island in the Brahmaputra Area and teach the world the priceless heritage of biodiversity.




Пайенг мечтает возродить на своем родном острове Маджули и соседнем Джорхате красивые леса, которые когда-то покрывали их.


Развитие сельского хозяйства и другие вмешательства человека разрушили естественную красоту его родины, но Джадав делает все возможное, чтобы вернуть экосистему его дома.


Достижения Джадава Пайенга доказывают, что маленькие ежедневные действия могут принести в итоге огромные изменения!

Уже сейчас мужчина собственными руками посадил огромный лес, но он не планирует останавливаться. Пайенг признался: «Я буду продолжать сажать деревья до последнего вздоха».

